Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Ideal Days

We're having some ideal weather - clear, calm, and in the mid-60's F, which is making for a really good great time out on the water. Tonight's sunset was for 8:14 PM. This is a great time to make time to get out on the Sound in the Pacific Northwest.

I also want to mention that there is a new and interesting talk radio program on KIRO radio (97.3FM) on Sundays at 8AM that is dedicated to maritime culture. Last week, I learned that the Bermuda Triangle may really be a series of underwater volcanoes that spew nitrogen, which does not allow a boat to remain buoyant and instead causes it to sink. 
You can also find it on-demand at http://kiroradio.com/shows/onthewater/

The Paul Bunyan is back again. That's a lot of lumber... 
...for this tug

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